How shockwave therapy and physiotherapy treatment can help resolve shoulder pain
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Shockwave technology being applied as physiotherapy treatment for shoulder pain
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Shockwave technology being applied as physiotherapy treatment for shoulder pain
How shockwave therapy and physiotherapy treatment can help resolve shoulder pain
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Read moreIf you are someone who suffers from frozen shoulder then try these stretches. In addition to good posture, these Physio stretches can really help to reduce pressure on the shoulders and give you relief from pain.
Read moreSo you've got Christmas out of the way and now the New Year's resolutions are starting to kick in. With the majority of NY resolutions health related it's probably no surprise that most of those new changes fail by February. How can we turn those good intentions into sustainable health/fitness related changes?
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Read moreYou may have heard of someone with a frozen shoulder but do you know what it is or what can be done about it? Firstly its medical name is adhesive capsulitis and it really refers to a tightening and thickening within the joint capsule of the shoulder. It is typically associated with an increase in pain, increased stiffness and a loss of range of movement within the shoulder. The onset of pain can be gradual or appear more sudden without trauma or injury to the area.
Read moreGet in touch with us - we’d be happy to help. You can book an appointment at the link below or if you would prefer to chat with a Physio first, you can arrange a FREE 15-minute phone call with one of our expert Physiotherapists.