How shockwave therapy and physiotherapy treatment can help resolve shoulder pain
Read moreThe Benefits of Shockwave Therapy for Shoulder Pain
Shockwave technology being applied as physiotherapy treatment for shoulder pain
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Shockwave technology being applied as physiotherapy treatment for shoulder pain
How shockwave therapy and physiotherapy treatment can help resolve shoulder pain
Read moreIf you are someone who suffers from frozen shoulder then try these stretches. In addition to good posture, these Physio stretches can really help to reduce pressure on the shoulders and give you relief from pain.
Read moreYou may have heard of someone with a frozen shoulder but do you know what it is or what can be done about it? Firstly its medical name is adhesive capsulitis and it really refers to a tightening and thickening within the joint capsule of the shoulder. It is typically associated with an increase in pain, increased stiffness and a loss of range of movement within the shoulder. The onset of pain can be gradual or appear more sudden without trauma or injury to the area.
Read moreIf you are someone who suffers from shoulder pain then try these stretches. In addition to good posture, these Physio stretches can really help to reduce pressure on the shoulders and give you relief from pain.
Read moreIf you have been diagnosed with a rotator cuff injury, then you can try these stretches that I often give to patients with the same symptoms. These stretches, along with good posture, can often be enough to take the pressure off the rotator cuff tendons and give you relief from pain.
Read moreGiven that there are no less than 17 muscles that attach to the shoulder blade and that it is a key link between the upper limb and the trunk of the body, it is no surprise that pain often arises from this area. Although it is possible to injure this area from trauma such as in a car accident, it is far more common that pain in the shoulder blade region comes on with no specific incident to blame.
Read moreIf you’ve been experiencing shoulder pain, you’re probably not alone. Up to two-thirds of adults report shoulder-related symptoms at some point in their lives. For a small number the pain doesn’t go away by itself which affects daily activities and quality of life in the long term. However, the important thing is you don’t have to accept pain as your “new normal”.
Read moreBursitis is perhaps the most misunderstood and misdiagnosed condition affecting the body. A bursa is a fluid filled sac that your body uses to decrease friction. They are typically found near the point that tendons attach to bone, such as at the elbow, kneecap, and hip, so that the tendon slides harmlessly over the bursa and does not get damaged by the hard surface of the bone.
Read moreHave you ever just tweaked your shoulder doing something innocuous, and waited for the pain to go away only for it to just hang around? Do you get a sharp pain in your shoulder or upper arm when you reach up or behind yourself? Is it uncomfortable to lie on your side in bed at night? If so there is a chance you may have shoulder impingement, a condition where one of the rotator cuff muscles has been damaged and is continually pinched when the shoulder is moved in certain positions.
Read moreGet in touch with us - we’d be happy to help. You can book an appointment at the link below or if you would prefer to chat with a Physio first, you can arrange a FREE 15-minute phone call with one of our expert Physiotherapists.