How the correct physiotherapy treatment can fix runner’s knee
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How Footscan can help treat knee pain
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Read moreRunning with knee pain...
Physio Jess doing what she loves most!
Running with knee pain
Read more3 Exercises For Knee Injuries and Pain
If you suffer from knee pain and/or stiffness then you can try these stretches that I often give to patients with that complaint. These stretches can often be enough to mobilise the knee, reduce pressure on the joint and give you relief from pain.
Read morePain at the front of the knee.
Anterior knee pain refers to pain or ache towards the front of the knee possibly just behind the patella (kneecap). Often patients report their pain being aggravated by walking on stairs, prolonged sitting with a bent knee, squatting, running or jumping activities. The thigh muscles may feel weak and you may have episodes of giving way, especially when walking down stairs. You may hear a cracking or feel a grating sensation behind the kneecap when moving the knee. Occasionally swelling may be present towards the front of your knee.
Read moreRunners Knee
Of the various aches and niggles that are common in runners, runners knee is one of the most common and can also be one of the most debilitating. Runners knee is the layman term for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, a condition that causes pain in the front of the knee due to irritation of the underside of the kneecap.
Read moreBursitis - A Common Cause Of Hip, Knee And Shoulder Pain
Bursitis is perhaps the most misunderstood and misdiagnosed condition affecting the body. A bursa is a fluid filled sac that your body uses to decrease friction. They are typically found near the point that tendons attach to bone, such as at the elbow, kneecap, and hip, so that the tendon slides harmlessly over the bursa and does not get damaged by the hard surface of the bone.
Read moreKnee Osteoarthritis
It is often thought that there is nothing that can be done for osteoarthritis but there are many ways that the condition can be managed so that pain levels can be reduced and activity levels increased.
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