How the correct physiotherapy treatment can fix runner’s knee
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Tension headaches and how dry needling can help
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How Footscan can help treat knee pain
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How Shockwave Therapy can treat Achilles Tendonitis
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How Footscan can help Plantar Fasciitis
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Exercises to help with lower back pain
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Read moreMyths And Misconceptions of Physiotherapy
While the demand for physiotherapists continues to rise and many patients are experiencing the positive effects of physiotherapy, some misconceptions persist.
There are a number of myths and misconceptions that prevent people from having physiotherapy that need to be overcome to ensure that as many people as possible benefit from it.
It is our experience that some people will live with pain and discomfort for some time assuming it is simply due to age, but who have improved significantly with appropriate physiotherapy treatment.
So, what are some of the common physiotherapy myths?
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