3 Physio Exercises for Disc Pain In Your Back

If you have been diagnosed with a disc issue in your back then you can try these stretches that I often give to patients at The Physiotherapy Place with this problem. Along with the correct posture, these stretches will help to reduce pressure on the discs and give you relief from pain.

Disc Pain Stretch 1

Stretch for disc pain in back

Lying on your back with your knees bent and feet together on the floor, keep your shoulders and upper back flat on the floor and gently drop your knees first to one side and then to the other. You should feel the stretch through the lower back and hips but be careful not to stretch into pain. Keep moving side to side for 2 minutes.

Stretch 2

Stretch for disc pain in lower back

Lying on your back, hug your knees up to your tummy and hold them there with your hands. You should feel a gentle stretch in your lower back. If this is painful then do it with one knee at a time. Repeat 3 times, 30 second holds.

Stretch 3

Back pain stretch

One of the things that can slow down recovery from an injured disc is if it is still being irritated with postures we are assuming during the day.

Two common postures that can agitate an injured disc are sitting and bending forward. If you find that you have had to sit or bend during the day then where possible, follow it up with a back extension exercise to counteract the adverse stress that may have been placed on the disc. 

Lie on your stomach with your palms flat on the floor at shoulder height. Keeping your pelvis on the floor, slowly push through your hands to create a backward bend in your spine. Go as far up as you feel comfortable but not into pain. Hold for 20 seconds and return back down to the floor.

Disc Pain - How Often Should I Stretch?

Ideally these stretches should be performed each morning and evening whilst your symptoms persist. If you are consistently stretching for 2 weeks and there is no change in your pain then there is likely an underlying issue that needs to be addressed so an assessment and treatment from a Physio should be sought. Once your disc pain has resolved, these same stretches performed once per day will be beneficial to maintain a healthy spine and prevent recurrence of your symptoms.

If you want to find out more about how we can help you here at The Physiotherapy Place, arrange a time that one of our Physio's can give you a call here or book an appointment here.

FREE Physio E-Book - 8 Top Tips for Disc Injuries

One of the most common reasons for ongoing lower back pain is due to a slipped or bulging disc. Some who seek help from their GP will be prescribed rest and painkillers, but most of the time this alone will not solve the problem. 

Here, you'll find our top 8 tips on resolving disc pain, reducing stress on the back, and keeping the tissues in your back strong and healthy.