Sports Therapy


At The Physiotherapy Place, our Physio’s are sports injury and performance specialists with many years experience working at professional sports clubs such as Hearts Football Club and Loretto Rugby.

What Is Sports Therapy?

Sports therapy refers to the range of treatment techniques that are used to treat sports injuries and also maintain your strength and fitness whilst you are actively training. Some of the techniques used include sports massage, joint mobilisation, stretching and strengthening exercises, Gunn IMS, and Kinesio-taping. The delivery of these treatment techniques will vary depending on the sport you are involved in the stage of rehabilitation you are at.

What Should I Expect?

At your first visit the therapist will take a detailed history of your injuries and the sport that you do in order to make a diagnosis of your problem so that they can plan what treatment will be best to resolve your issue and ensure that you remain strong and healthy as you train. Treatment will commence on the same day and you will be guided through which exercises will be best for you to do at home.

Will It Hurt?

Most of the treatments involved in Sports Therapy won’t hurt, although sometimes people describe the feeling of a sports massage as a ‘good hurt’!

How Many Sessions Will I Need And How Much Will It Cost?

The number of sessions will depend on the nature of the injury and whether we would recommend maintenance sessions once you are back fully training. Often when people are in training they book in for a session now and gain to keep the muscles relaxed and injuries at bay.

The cost of Sports Therapy is in line with regular Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy appointments.