Tried and Tested - How To Beat Chronic Back Pain

A great review about Niall and The Physiotherapy Place in this month's i-on magazine. Niall is the only person in Scotland specialising in Gunn IMS which cured the magazine contributor's chronic back pain and helped her back to full fitness. She experienced instant relief, and after 4 sessions, her chronic pain was totally cured. "It may be a bold statement but IMS is astounding. If you've got pain, this is the man to sort it."
Thanks i-on x

Best treatment for back pain in Edinburgh


Tried and Tested - How To Beat Chronic Back Pain

Amy Falconer Discovers A Life-Changing Solution

Back pain can be crippling and all too commonplace so I guess I shouldn’t have been so surprised when, at the end of last year, I found myself with trapped nerves in my lower back and hips. It’s a common condition but not one that many people know how to fix.

Thankfully, I found Niall McGregor, a Physiotherapist at The Physiotherapy Place in Portobello and the only person in Scotland to specialise in Gunn IMS (Intramuscular Stimulation). The treatment was developed in Canada in the 1980s by doctors treating patients with long-term back pain and involves using thin needles - like the ones used in acupuncture - to stimulate nerves and muscles that are hypersensitive in persistent pain conditions. The needles help desensitise these muscles and nerves and get them functioning normally again.

While most commonly used to treat people who have long-term back, hip and shoulder pain, IMS is good for recurring pain in any part of the body. It promises to be a long-term solution and get muscles to relax so that they can be exercised effectively and safely.

By stimulating the muscles, the treatment releases the nerve allowing it to heal so the pain goes away. The process was slightly uncomfortable but never sore and I felt instant relief from my first session. Better still, after four weekly sessions, I was completely cured. It may seem a bold statement but IMS is astounding. Niall has since treated my mum (who was suffering so badly she’d had difficulty sleeping for the last two years), my sister and various friends. I’d whole-heartedly recommend him to anyone. If you’ve got pain, this is the man to sort it.

Click here to book an IMS or Physio appointment with Niall, or if you would like some free advice to help with your pain or injury, or if you’d like to just chat through the problem to find out if IMS is the right approach for you, arrange your FREE 15 minute telephone consultation with one of our expert Physios at the link below.